Information for Refugees


Презид?я Оснабрюкського ун?верситету прикладних наук глибоко вражена нападом Рос?? на суверенну ?вропейську державу. Вoнa засуджу? акт агрес?? проти Укра?ни та кричуще порушення м?жнародного права. Ми висловлю?мо сол?дарн?сть ?з ус?ма партнерами та вс?ма членами наукових установ в Укра?н?, з якими нас пов'язують дружн? стосунки.

Наш? пропозиц?? для б?женц?в, так? як курси н?мецько? мови, наша програма для в?льних слухач?в або навчання в Оснабрюкському ун?верситет? прикладних наук, в?дкрит? для вс?х укра?нських б?женц?в. ?нформац?ю про це наведено нижче на ц?й стор?нц?.

Укра?нськ? вчен?, як? хот?ли б проводити досл?дження або викладати в Оснабрюкському ун?верситет? прикладних наук, можуть зв'язатися з нашим координац?йним центром Welcome Center за адресою

Information for Refugees from Ukraine

The leadership of Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences is deeply horrified by the Russian attack on a sovereign European country and condemns this act of war against Ukraine which represents a blatant breach of international law. Our solidarity and our empathy is with all members and affiliates of our Ukrainian partners in science and education.

Our offers for refugees, such as German language courses, our guest auditor program, and taking up regular studies at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, are open for those who had to flee from Ukraine. You can find information by scrolling down on this website.

Ukrainian scientists who are interested in continuing their research or teaching at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, can contact our Welcome Center at


Are you a refugee or asylum seeker in or around Osnabrück? Are you interested in studying at our university? We hope that this website is helpful for you. If you have questions that are not answered below, please send us an e-mail in German or English to  .

We appreciate your interest in studying at our university, and would like to support you on your way to becoming one of us. At Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, refugees and asylum seekers are very welcome!



Center for International Students (CIS), Mr. Arnaud Fischer

phone: +49 (0)541 969-3044, room AB 0004
consultation hours: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00 to 12:00 am or by arrangement.

Study Counseling Service Osnabrück

phone: +49 (0)541 969-4999